Thursday, September 24, 2009


New media is a brand new transformation of what we had but a better format. Old media is the way that many of our parent and grandparents recieved information. Which is the newspaper, radio, television, books, journals. Telephones and computers are the biggest form of new media. Once many people wanted for the morning paper to see what happen but now news are travel faster. With a click of a button you know what is going on exactly as it is happen. Emailing and texting is another form of communication among two people where is was once writing letters. Technology has transform new media to new heights. The best way to know what is new and old media is the time fame. New media allows you know mostly everything as soon as someone else knows without having to wait for new at night or for it to be written on the first page of the newspaper. And another thing is convenient is more convenient to get to. For example cell phones allows you to get online with one application. A old media that is still around strong is television but you tube and other video sites are new media because their allow you to see what you want when you want.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Impact of New Media on Business Strategies

The ads you see when you go online isn't just popping up for no reason it's there to get your attention. Believe it or not many companies have been using facebook, twitter myspace and other social networks to advertise themself. Sites as twitter haven't yet charge a business any fee for advertisement or for sending annoucemnents. New Media allows many company to send millions of people a message in seconds. The influecne of new media on what techniques to choose what I plan to discuss in my paper. No longer is it a big deal to have a televsion commerical since many people are online so my main discussion is the impact new media have on market, does it work and is it effeft it has on old media. I hope doing this paper can help many find what is the best strategy a company can use to influence many comsumers. Another point I will like to make is the cost of new media vs old media and do the cost pay off.

New Media

I dont know what I will do without my phone. Believe it or not thats what many people have to say. Even though the use of cell phone is something that been around for many years it wasn't since recently that cellphones that has been as important as water to everyday living. The reason for this is cellphones today does more than years before. It does as today much as a computer. New media isnt just the internet its computers, telephone, military, commerece, tv and the media. TV is a form of new media that has been charging over time due to the fact its hard to have many people stay in one place for a certain period to watch a channel. For the reason many shows are now available online. Hulu the crated of "NBC and fox offers many tv shows online and had a 57% increase in viewership in the last six months of 2008"(Stross)But with the amount of shows available online and any time you want it makes it hard for many networks to have a show on for many series since many people aren't watching tv. That why I can now understand why I cant not never know what happen at the end of a series but havee watching rerun. Many might not think its fair that their favorite show is cancelled due to the lack of views but the only way you can save it is telling friends nad family to continue to watch TV in the hope that it would not be cancelled. Television network have found a way to hold views but newspaper and many author haven't actual have the success. Newpaper for many has always been the way to know what is going on around us, with a small fee of usually 50 cent. But with the internet many have access to news and information at they fingue tips and no longer need to go out and purchase a newspaper. So its sells have been decreasing. So solve this problem many newspapers are available for free while other charge a fee. This causes many newspaper to stop writing because there is no one to actually read the paper. Another problem discussed in the you tube clip old media better thab new media is that journalist has to have legit stories while still keeping up with new media so that their can stay fresh and up to date with what is going on around us. And the only wya is accepting new technology and using it to help benefit them. New Media main importance rely heavily on the internet, since its the internet that connecting everyone together. With out the internet we will still be using many old media because the internet allows everything to be faster and easier to reach many people at once.