Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Impact of New Media on Business Strategies

The ads you see when you go online isn't just popping up for no reason it's there to get your attention. Believe it or not many companies have been using facebook, twitter myspace and other social networks to advertise themself. Sites as twitter haven't yet charge a business any fee for advertisement or for sending annoucemnents. New Media allows many company to send millions of people a message in seconds. The influecne of new media on what techniques to choose what I plan to discuss in my paper. No longer is it a big deal to have a televsion commerical since many people are online so my main discussion is the impact new media have on market, does it work and is it effeft it has on old media. I hope doing this paper can help many find what is the best strategy a company can use to influence many comsumers. Another point I will like to make is the cost of new media vs old media and do the cost pay off.

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