Saturday, October 3, 2009

Social Networking

My first social networking was sonic. I think that was what it was called it seem so long ago. It was the high school version of facebook. When myspace started I was so concerned until I finished high school. And I wanted to know what everyone was doing. Starting myspace was unlike many social networking. It was a place where you actually create your own page. It took time and at the end of the day it was as unique as you were. Unlike myspace, facebook isnt as pretty and unique as myspace pages. But it holds it owns. It easier to find people since everyone has to use they government name. With everyone on the move twitter came out. And it was something that seem weird at first. I used to wonder why would someone what to know what someone is doing all the time. But after everyone and everything was on it twitter came to be the place where news came out first. Facebook and Myspace have become to look the same expect the page uniqueness. But twitter is the one that easiest one since it just leaving comments about you and whatever is on your mind. It seem that as one get more popular than the other the more the others try to be more like it. So even though there have they own names they are have transform into a social network more and more similar to the other.

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