Saturday, November 28, 2009


Honestly the only thing that I contribute to the wiki so far has been my bio. I read what others wrote but my main thing I am doing research on is identity theft. Working at the bank I was faced with fraud all day and I ran into people that did fraud and scams for a living. And the way their got the info was from the internet so I want to contribute to privacy and identity fraud so that the research I am doing so I  can contribute to the page successfully.


Privacy is something that is uncontrollable with the internet. And the reason why is because many sites we visit aren't secure the way we would image. Many of us use the internet for shopping and bills pay. But however many people dont have an protection on their computers and without them knowing many of their personal information is shown on someone else's computer. Working at the bank for 2 years fraud was something that we try to protect. Many customers info was been sold online. Many of the individuals that was doing the fraud was getting the info from customers shopping online with credit or debit cards. 
But privacy in another term is hard for many since its easy for certain people to get delete files off the computer. So you see once it was easy for people to just ripe off mail but now you all he stuff you delete can reappear on your screen with just a few clicks so you see these no more deleting something to hide it because anyone can still pull it up.
New media is a better technology and the same way people are trying to do good they are those that coming up better ways to steal people identity and information.
So the next time you put something important in make sure the site is secure.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


New media is the new development of mostly anything that can be use for communication. Most new media is in the form of computer(internet, blogs, social networking,), cellphones, television. But many things that we use are changing everyday. The internet has play an important role in new media. The internet allows millions of people a place to connect. Its so big now thats its in everyone hands. Most cellphone features today is based on connecting to everything at once. And the reason is the internet without the internet it will be hard for new media to connect to as much people as it is. According to blogs to html the reason why America became media advance before others was because of cheaper internet service. So you see internet is the stepping stone to be able to connect to millions and even billions. New media is taking old media made making it available to many more quickly. According to Mix, Match, a Mutate craiglist find a way to show appointment to people. Selling appointments is old using ads, and putting a list online. But someone came up with a way for you to but the address and see the actual place. This was something that was something new at first and all it did was take something that we knew it and made it better. So new media isnt just new ideas but a better way of what we know.

Mix, Match and Mutate. Business Week article about web-based mashups, July 25, 2005. available at*ocQ34AvyQMA/magazine/content/05_30/b3944108_mz063.htm

"New Media from Borges to HTML" by Lev Manovich. in The New Media Reader by N. Wardrip-Fruin and N. Montfort (eds.). MIT Press, 2003. pp. 13-25. On e-reserve with the Newman Library

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Thing

These so much new things going on with new media but I think that is we are allowed to see people that we are actual talking to. Some times you want to know if someone is lying about their whereabouts so if you can actual see them face to face you will be able to know where their are. Another thing is having a gps in cellphones so that you can find someone you are looking for but the person has to give you permission before hand. This will give more parent security of where exactly their child is at a given time.

Advice to Baruch College

With mostly everyone having a smart phone I think the best thing baruch should have is an application. Blackboard is something that everybody uses but it takes a lot of steps to actual optain. If the school had its own app on the iphone or g1 it will allow access information more easier. Another thing is when class is cancel you have to travel to school to see the note on the door. With this app teachers will make their students know class is cancel. This app will make things much easier faster since its in being reach in the palms of your hands.
Another things ios introduce the virtual world to baruch. There are jsut a few online class so I think the school should have more online classes or even online classes that has video of lectures from actual classes. With so many people working and raising families bring teh virtual world to Baruch would make learning much easier.

Monday, November 2, 2009

New Media

Media has transform itsefl from tv and newspaper to wiki, blogs, socal sites and the virtual world. All froms of new media I just list you need the internet to get access to it. The interent is now a place that help people from all across the world come together from some purpose. Facebook and myspace make it easier to keep in connect with one another and also decrease the amount of mail that individual write. Mail is a from of old media because that was once a way to communicate between two people, now the internet allows many people to sen d a message in a few seconds. Sites such as Linkin that makes it easier for employers to find employee actual save lots of money in the hiring process.