Thursday, November 26, 2009


New media is the new development of mostly anything that can be use for communication. Most new media is in the form of computer(internet, blogs, social networking,), cellphones, television. But many things that we use are changing everyday. The internet has play an important role in new media. The internet allows millions of people a place to connect. Its so big now thats its in everyone hands. Most cellphone features today is based on connecting to everything at once. And the reason is the internet without the internet it will be hard for new media to connect to as much people as it is. According to blogs to html the reason why America became media advance before others was because of cheaper internet service. So you see internet is the stepping stone to be able to connect to millions and even billions. New media is taking old media made making it available to many more quickly. According to Mix, Match, a Mutate craiglist find a way to show appointment to people. Selling appointments is old using ads, and putting a list online. But someone came up with a way for you to but the address and see the actual place. This was something that was something new at first and all it did was take something that we knew it and made it better. So new media isnt just new ideas but a better way of what we know.

Mix, Match and Mutate. Business Week article about web-based mashups, July 25, 2005. available at*ocQ34AvyQMA/magazine/content/05_30/b3944108_mz063.htm

"New Media from Borges to HTML" by Lev Manovich. in The New Media Reader by N. Wardrip-Fruin and N. Montfort (eds.). MIT Press, 2003. pp. 13-25. On e-reserve with the Newman Library

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