Saturday, November 28, 2009


Privacy is something that is uncontrollable with the internet. And the reason why is because many sites we visit aren't secure the way we would image. Many of us use the internet for shopping and bills pay. But however many people dont have an protection on their computers and without them knowing many of their personal information is shown on someone else's computer. Working at the bank for 2 years fraud was something that we try to protect. Many customers info was been sold online. Many of the individuals that was doing the fraud was getting the info from customers shopping online with credit or debit cards. 
But privacy in another term is hard for many since its easy for certain people to get delete files off the computer. So you see once it was easy for people to just ripe off mail but now you all he stuff you delete can reappear on your screen with just a few clicks so you see these no more deleting something to hide it because anyone can still pull it up.
New media is a better technology and the same way people are trying to do good they are those that coming up better ways to steal people identity and information.
So the next time you put something important in make sure the site is secure.


  1. Most of us tend to get lazy and keep our computers updated, this makes us more prone to the hackers out there. Social networking sites have increased the risks, users don't act smart enough and put private info up on their page. I was reading an article which talked about Stalkers and hackers that use the information available on these sites and connect the dots and gain access to very sensitive information including bank accounts

  2. I think That privacy is controllable but only partially. You have a choice to join different SN sites or make a decition about how much of your personal information you allow to be publically visible. But even though there is always a chance of dander being involved in action like for exapmle - online shopping fraud.
